Dance Performance As a Social Movement

Dance Performance As a Social Movement
Ayan Felix (MFA in Dance '21)
Spring, 2021

Dance Performance As a Social Movement

March 26, 2021
Duke Campus Farms

Ayan’s outward-facing multimedia project was a drive-in experience to give them and participants time to sit with their transitions, using cars as a safety measure and a vehicle to their shared destinations, goals and dreams. 

As they watched the nearly-full moon crest, they asked of what use is gender if it is not flexible and how can we arrange ourselves to allow for a future where gender and sexual fluidity is understood as natural. This performance was also an experiment in how live dance performance can still exist safely. It is also a section of a larger series to consider different ways dance performance rooted in Black queer Southern traditions and aesthetics can be useful in transforming our world away from anti-Black racism and patriarchal violence.

Presented by the Duke Dance Program and Ayan Felix in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Fine Arts in Dance in the Graduate School at Duke University.