Number Title Codes DANCE 89S First-Year Seminar DANCE 101 Introduction to Dance CCI, ALP DANCE 105S Dance Composition R, ALP DANCE 205S Advanced Dance Composition R, ALP DANCE 290 Special Topics Lecture DANCE 301 Arts Activism & Everyday Technology ALP DANCE 306S Dance for the Camera R, STS, ALP DANCE 308 Performance and Technology: Composition Workshop STS, ALP DANCE 309S Dancing States of Mind: The Self, Social and Political Practice of Dance R, ALP DANCE 318S Movement in Question: Introduction to Critical Dance Studies CCI, R, W, ALP, CZ DANCE 325S The Black Parades: African Diaspora Parade Culture and Radical Resistance CCI, ALP, SS DANCE 335SL West African Rootholds in Dance CCI, ALP, CZ DANCE 336 Black Dance CCI, R, W, ALP DANCE 356 Dance and Dance Theater of Asia CCI, ALP, CZ DANCE 368 Gender in Dance and Theatre CCI, ALP, CZ DANCE 370S The Choreographic Mind: Order, Disorder, Organization, Relations CCI, R, ALP, CZ DANCE 375 Music for Dancers ALP DANCE 390 Special Topics DANCE 391 Independent Study DANCE 393 Research Independent Study R DANCE 394 Research Independent Study R DANCE 422 Performance: Ballet ALP DANCE 432 Performance: African ALP DANCE 442 Performance: Jazz ALP DANCE 443 Performance: Tap ALP DANCE 472 Performance: Dance Theater ALP DANCE 487S Capstone Seminar: Research Methods in Dance Studies and Choreographic Performance CCI, R, W, ALP, CZ DANCE 489T Capstone: Senior Project R, ALP DANCE 490S Special Topics in Dance DANCE 499S Capstone Seminar: Distinction Project R, ALP DANCE 665S Contemporary Dance History CCI, W, ALP, CZ