Performance & Choreography Opportunities
Each semester, the department sponsors a main stage production where you will perform, and can develop your own choreographic works. You will also learn the ins and outs of stage production, lighting and sound systems.
Research & Independent Study Options
Independent Study courses are designed to explore a subject or facet of a subject that has been introduced in other courses. In other words, students must have some preparation for the topic of the Independent study course. In the past, students have pursued Independent Studies topics in Asian Dance and Theater, aspects of the history and theory of modern dance and ballet, community engagement and other topics. However, if a student is interested in individualized study in choreography, s/he should enroll in Dance 205T (Advanced Dance Composition).
Senior Project
All dance majors are required to do a senior project - regular or with distinction (see above). You have two choices - write an intensive research paper, or develop a complete production and give an oral presentation to the faculty.
Study Away Options
Although the Dance Program does not offer a specific Study Away program, there are many options available for dance students such as summer dance intensives and Duke Global Education for Undergraduates (Study Abroad Programs).