Embodied Resonance marade

Amari Jones (MFA in Dance '22)
Spring, 2022

Embodied Resonance marade

March 19, 2022
Rubenstein Arts Center to Duke Chapel

Starting at the Rubenstein Arts Center, participants will walk to the open area in front of Duke Chapel for a performance of "Embodied Resonance" presented by Amari Jones and Black Women and Black non-binary femme folk who participated in two previous workshops. After the performance, marade participants will return to the Rubenstein.

"I've chosen the name "marade" because this event is both a march for protecting Black girlhood and a parade to celebrate Black Girlhood/Womanhood. My goal is to raise awareness about the ways in which the racialization of Black girls in k-12 public education spaces negatively affects their self-concept while also foregrounding their acts of resistance and reclamation of self as positive/powerful methods of self-preservation," Amari Jones.

Presented by the Duke Dance Program and Amari Jones in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Fine Arts in Dance in the Graduate School at Duke University.