MFA Summer Hothouse 2022

Hothouse 2022
Summer 2022

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In summer 2022, the Duke Dance Program MFA in Dance: Embodied Interdisciplinary Praxis (MFAEIP) presented a six-week movement and creative practice intensive designed to support the artistic evolution of Duke graduate dance students and alumni. Participating artists received dedicated time, space and mentorship from a range of interdisciplinary guest artists.

Participants engaged in morning movement classes, took workshops on creative strategies and critical response to works in progress, and built their existing networks through collaboration with the artists and faculty of partnering organization, the American Dance Festival (ADF).

The experimental dance and movement research labs took place at The Ark, the Dance Program's legacy site of dance practice and choreographic research on Duke's East campus.

During this inaugural summer, the MFA Hothouse was organized in two-parts: a two-week alumni hothouse, and a four-week intensive in collaboration with the artists of the American Dance Festival.

Read on to learn more about what this year's six invited guest artists offered our graduate dance artists.